Friday, April 4, 2014

Pittsburgh Steelers Season in Review

Pittsburgh Steelers Season in Review  
Pittsburgh should be proud. The Steelers played fantastic in the final stretch of the season. Despite starting 0-4, the Steelers won 8 of their last 12 games. Ben Roethlisberger stepped up and took control of this team. The biggest problem with the Steelers is age. 
Let's completely ignore the stats and rankings. Steelers found a run game with Le'Veon Bell. Antonio Brown became a top receiver making spectacular catch after catch. Jericho Cotchery flourished in the second hald of the season. The offense was starting to click and role. It actually looked like their was a chance for them to make the playoffs.

Defense may have been the identity of this in the past but it certainly wasn't this year. Again, ignore the stats and rankings. This team was on roller skates a lot of times this season. Often looking and showing their age, In order for this team to move forward they have to keep getting younger.

Steelers are not one of those teams to sign big name free agents and it appears to bite them in the you-know-what sometimes. This offseason was no different as they let go of their wideout Emanuel Sanders. I expect this team to sign solid under the radar players and draft well to improve this defense. The Steelers can be a competitive team. 

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