Thursday, April 10, 2014

Minnesota Vikings Season in Review

Minnesota Vikings Season in Review
The Vikings surprisingly were better offensively than you may think. However defensively Vikings may have been one of the worst teams in the league. The Vikings have been struggling to find a quarterback ever since Brett Farve retired...for real. They have tried quarterback after quarterback with minimal success. This year they tried out three different ones. 

Christian Ponder came in as the starter. He has moments where he flashes and everyone can see why the Vikings drafted him. But most of the time he can't hit the side off a bus. His injury was a blessing in disguise for the Vikings. When He got injured they were able to look at Matt Cassel. Matt Cassel stepped in and played decent ball for the Vikings. He was probably the best quarterback on that roster. Last but not least, probably the biggest fail, is former Tampa Bay Bucs quarterback Josh Freeman. Josh Freeman played awful in his one start. He played so bad, the New York Giants got their first win of the season. Greg Jennings showed his age in most of these games but he still does have the potential to be a number two receiver. Cordalle Patterson is an exciting player and can fit perfectly in the slot position. The Vikings need to find a receiver, one that can draw double coverage and can take some of the pressure off Adrian Peterson. 

Defense should be the main focus of this offseason. There defense was ranked in the bottom half of nearly all the defensive stats this year. Vikings nromally do have a good defense but the lack of an elite corner hurt this team. Safety position is also a concern for this team as they the middle of the field open. However the main probably with this team is that the Vikings will have to find a way to replace Jared Allen. Jared Allen is a special talent and had a nonstop motor. It will be interesting to see if the Vikings will draft his replacement since they pick at eight. 

The VIkings have major holes to fill before they can be a top team. Sorry Vikings fans but there is a good chance, you will have to wait at least two seasons before the Vikings will dominate the North again. 

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